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You are convinced that a smart presence on the internet can be beneficial for your business. You know that your site has to be redone, but you still hesitate: should I call a web agency or turn to a plan B: freelancer, trainee or a recent graduate ...

The answer is simple, for every need, there is an expert!

Developing a website requires varied skills and complementary profiles that digital agencies can make available to you:

Consulting, Strategy & Analytics

Before you start creating your site, an analysis of your needs, your target and the sites of your competitors is necessary. It will allow you to compare your project to the reality of the sector in terms of digital communication and to identify do's & don'ts.

The project managers in the web agencies are the best equipped in terms of knowledge and tools to take charge of this crucial stage of the project.

Of course, you can do your own thinking, but this will not replace a comprehensive study conducted by professionals.

Creativity, design & ergonomics

The mission of the web designer is to highlight your content, while respecting the charter and the style of your company.

In addition to experience, technical knowledge and creativity, a web designer closely follows the trends of design: color, iconography, effects, animations, etc. He will offer you a design in time, tailored and in line with the requirements of your activity field .

In addition, the following things will be taken into consideration:

  • Ergonomics : a clear home page inviting you to discover the rest, legible texts (typography, font, contrast ...), well-structured internal pages with accessible navigation, etc.
  • Responsive signage : with more than 50% of the consultations that are made on smartphones and tablets, and since Google has decided to penalize non-mobile friendly sites, you can not neglect the mobile accessibility of your site. Today, designers are working on two fronts: desktop design and mobile design.

Speed, flexibility & scalability

The majority of the agencies will propose that you develop your site by using a CMS (Drupal Wordpress, etc.), which will allow you:

  • Simplicity in updating the content. The provider will offer a training of a few hours for this purpose
  • To evolve your site by adding pages, features without costing you an arm and a leg.

Developing a website is a job: knowledge and experience.

Within an agency, an expert developer not only masters the technology perfectly, but also follows training to be up to date in terms of novelties: modules, tips, etc.

He works invariably faster which guarantees you quality and optimal deadlines.

Visibility & positioning

Taking into consideration the basic rules of good SEO as soon as you design the site will save you a lot of time to reach the desired position on the Google results pages. For this, a SEO expert within the project team is a necessity. In addition to ensuring that the site under construction is technically SEO friendly, it will guide you in your choice of keywords by analyzing the leaders of the sector, and in the writing of your texts by providing you with the basic rules of web-based writing .

Sustainability of the result

By going through an agency, you will have a single contact throughout the realization of your site. This is the assurance of consistency and continuity of work.

Moreover, the contract which binds you guarantees the deadlines, the quality and the contents (number of proposals of design, the functionalities, the specific developments, the referencing package etc.)

The quality of your site is a key vector of your image, take care of it!

The quality of your website is an important communication vector. In a world where we rely heavily on the image to judge the seriousness of his contact, the website is an indisputable and accessible asset to stand out positively in any given sector. Be sure to choose the provider who will take care of it.

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